Users Manual
This is an alphabetical index of configuration options, with links to more information throughout the manual.


A hex color value. Annotations will change to this color when activated by the JActComm Javascript API. This value is categorizeable. The default value is "0xFF0000".
More detail in: Style. Categories


Map clicks, in annotation mode, will open this url appended with the latitude and longitude of the point. The coordinates will be passed as GET arguments "lat" and "long". Javascript can be called by setting this to "javascript".
More detail in: Annotation Input. Weblogs and worldKit Javascript


Set this to "true" when using worldKit as a Flash Component. Default is "false".
More detail in: Flash Component


A numeric value, 0-100, specifying the degree of transparency of the Control Bar. 0 is invisible, 100 fully visible. Default value is 70.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan. Zoomify for Images


A numeric value specifying the scale of the Control Bar. Default value is 100.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan. Zoomify for Images


This url specifies the location of the RSS file containing annotations. If set to NULL, no RSS is requested. This can be set multiple times to retrieve multiple feeds. Default value is "rss.xml".
More detail in: Configuring RSS


Relative or absoulte url for the location of the base image. If set to blank, no image is loaded. Default value is "day.jpg".
More detail in: Configuring Images


The type of display for the base image. "day" simply displays the image. "daynight" masks the base images for the current solar illumination of the earth. "polar" plots annoation in polar coordinates. "zoomify" is for an image processed with Zoomify.
More detail in: Configuring Images


A float value, -180 to 180, specifying the eastern bounds of the map. Default value is 180.
More detail in: Configuring Images


The latest date for the time navigation control. This value must be specified if <timenav> is "true".
More detail in: Time Navigation


Specifies a number of seconds for an annotation to fade to transparent. Useful for visualizing transient information. The default value is "-1", which means to fade.
More detail in: Window/Timing


To set a callback to receive notification of "faded" RSS items, set the value to "javascript:" followed by the name of a callback function. By default, no function is called.
More detail in: worldKit -> JS


A numeric value, 0-100, specifying the degree of transparency of fill in point and polygon annotations. "0" is invisible, "100" is full visible. The default value is "100".
More detail in: Style. Lines & Polygons. Categories


Set to "true" to enable click and drag Pan. By default it is enabled.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan.

A numeric value specifying the height of the map within the HTML page. This value must match the HTML value.
More detail in: Configuration Basics


This url specifies an image for annotation points. It is categorizable.
More detail in: Icons. Categories


On startup, the map will be panned to center on this latitude. By default, it is midway between north and south.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


On startup, the map will be panned to center on this longitude. By default, it is midway between east and west.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


A hex color value. New annotation points will be displayed in this color for 60 seconds. This value is categorizable. Default value is 0xFF0000 (red).
More detail in: Style. Lines & Polygons. Categories


A numeric value, 1 or greater, specifying the magnitude of the zoom on startup. Default value is 1.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


Set to "true", the map will always be in Input Mode. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Annotation Input


A numeric value, 0-100, specifying the degree of transparency of lines in points, tracks, line and polygon annotations. "0" is invisible, "100" is full visible. The default value is "70".
More detail in: Style. Lines & Polygons. Categories


A hex color value. Tracks, point and polygon borders and lines will be displayed in this color. It is categorizable. The default value is "0x000000" (black).
More detail in: Style. Lines & Polygons. Categories


A numeric value, specifying the thickness of lines in points, tracks, line and polygon annotations. The default value is "0".
More detail in: Style. Lines & Polygons. Categories


Specify a string for display while images are loading. Must set <showload> to "true" for this to be effective. Default value is "Loading Images..."
More detail in: Window/Timing


Specify a string for display while RSS is loading. Must set <showload> to "true" for this to be effective. Default value is "Loading Points..."
More detail in: Window/Timing


Set value to the name of the RSS tag to look for annotations. Values accepted are "description", "summary", "category", "dc:suject", or "any" (all four fields will be examined). By default, this option is not set, and no tags are examined.
More detail in: RSS. Typepad and Blogger


If set to "true", the annotation url, with the current center position, will be called any time the map is moved. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Annotation Input. Javascript


A numeric value specifying the maximum the number of images to load simultaneously. Default value is "10".
More detail in: Templates/WMS


A numeric value, 1 or greater, specifying the maximum zoom permissible. Default value is 64.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


If set to "true", the map will zoom and pan to the a bounding box surrounding just the area where annotations are present. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


To set a callback to receive notification of new RSS items, set the value to "javascript:" followed by the name of a callback function. By default, no function is called.
More detail in: worldKit -> JS


Relative or absolute url for the location of the night image, in "daynight" displaytype mode. Default value is "night.jpg".
More detail in: Configuring Images


A float value, -90 to 90, specifying the northern bounds of the map. Default value is 90.
More detail in: Configuring Images


To set a callback for zoom, pan events set the value to "javascript:" followed by the name of a callback function. By default, no function is called.
More detail in: worldKit -> JS


A numeric value controlling the speed when panning across the map. Higher values correspond to slower panning. The default value is 16.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


A numeric value specifying the number of seconds between successive annoations. A value of 0 will result in all annotations displayed at the same time. Default value is 5.
More detail in: Window/Timing


The shape of the annotation point. Accepted values are "square", "circle", and "triangle". This value is categorizable. Default value is "square".
More detail in: Sizes and Colors. Categories


A numeric value specifying the size of the annotation point. This value is categorizable. Default value is 3.
More detail in: Sizes and Colors. Categories


Relative or absolute url for the location of the base image in "polar" displaytype mode. Default value is "polar.jpg".
More detail in: Configuring Images


A hex color value. Annotation points will be displayed in this color after 60 seconds. Set to the same value as "initialplotcolor" if you don't want the change. This value is categorizable. Default value is 0x00FFFF (cyan).
More detail in: Sizes and Colors. Lines & Polygons. Categories


Set to "true", the bounding box of the current view is appended to the RSS feed url. This is useful for displaying only part of a large data set. Default value is "false.
More detail in: Configuring RSS


Set to "true" to display messages while images and RSS are loading. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Window/Timing


When set to "true", only annotations present in the last RSS update will be displayed. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Configuring RSS


When set to "true", text is displayed at the top of the map, rather than adjacent to the annotation. The default value is "false".
More detail in: Sizes and Colors


A float value, -90 to 90, specifying the northern bounds of the map. Default value is -90.
More detail in: Configuring Images


The earliest date for the time navigation control. This value must be specified if <timenav> is "true".
More detail in: Time Navigation


Specifies the relative or absoulte url of semi-transparent swf files, to be overlayed on the base image. The dimensions of the swf must be specified in "width" and "height" attributes, and a unique identifier must be assigned in the "id" attribute. Other attributes described further on the detailed page.
More detail in: Layers


Templates can be configured , so that under defined regions and scales of the map, an image is requested from a mapping server covering the current viewing area. It provides more fine grained control than <wms>. Read more in the details.
More detail in: Templates/WMS


The width, in pixels, of the text box visible after a point is activated. Default value is 200.
More detail in: Sizes and Colors


The time, in seconds, which the text box is visible after a point is first displayed. Default value is 5.
More detail in: Window/Timing


The size, in pixels, of text visible after a point is activated. Default value is 10.
More detail in: Sizes and Colors


Tile Map Server is a scheme for more efficiently serving WMS requests. Read more in the details.
More detail in: Templates/WMS


Set to true to enable time navigation. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Time Navigation


The preset position of time navigation. This value must be between 0 and the value of <timenavunit>. Default value is "0".
More detail in: Time Navigation


The number of steps between the start and end, on the navigation control. Default value is "200".
More detail in: Time Navigation


Set to "true" to display the Control Bar. In Zoomify mode, default is "true", otherwise default is "false".
More detail in: Zoom and Pan. Zoomify for Images


Set to "true" to display lines between successive annotations, as in a GPS track log. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Sizes and Colors


Set to "true" to display lines between successive annotations assigned to the same category. <track> must also be set to "true". Default value is "false".
More detail in: Categories and Tracks


Set to "true" to insure RSS requests are unique and avoid hitting the cache. The current timestamp will be appended to the url. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Configuring RSS


The time, in seconds, between retrievals of the RSS feed. If set to 0, the RSS is retrieved only once. Default value is 60.
More detail in: Configuring RSS


This url specifies the location of the RSS feed retrieved repeatedly after the first RSS feed in dataurl is retrieved. This can be set multiple times, to request multiple feeds. By default, this value is the same as dataurl.
More detail in: Configuring RSS


Set to "false" and annotations will be invisible on load. They can be made visible via Javascript. Default value is "true".
More detail in: Sizes and Colors. Javascript. Categories


The time, in seconds, which the text box is visible after a point is activated. Default value is 5.
More detail in: Window/Timing


A float value, -180 to 180, specifying the western bounds of the map. Default value is -180.
More detail in: Configuring Images


A numeric value specifying the width of the map within the HTML page. This value must match the HTML value.
More detail in: Configuration Basics


Specifies the name of the window links are opened in. Javascript is called by setting the value "_javascript". It is categorizable. Default value is "_blank" (a new window).
More detail in: Window/Timing. Javascript Categories


WMS is a protocol for supplying a large amount of map imagery over the web; for instance, worldwide satellite coverage. Read more in the details.
More detail in: Templates/WMS


Set to "-1" to plot newer annotations below older ones. Default value is "1", meaning newer annotations are positioned above older ones.
More detail in: Window/Timing


A float value, greater than 1, controlling the speed of zoom in and out of the map. Higher values correspond to faster zoom. Default value is 1.5.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


Absolute or relative url specifying the directory where a Zoomify processed image is located. Default value is "." (the same directory as the HTML loading worldKit.
More detail in: Zoomify for Images


Set to "true" to to enable Zoom and Pan by drawing a red selection box on the map. Default value is "false".
More detail in: Zoom and Pan


If set to a numeric value, annotation clicks will zoom to the level specified, centered on the annotation, rather than opening a url. Default value is undefined.
More detail in: Zoom and Pan. Categories. Lines & Polygons