Users Manual
Time Navigation
worldKit supports time navigation. Many processes investigated with GIS have a significant temporal dimension: urban planning and land use, hydrology, fires, ecological change. In addition to being spatially arranged, controls allow annotations to be revealed according to their timestamp. Looking at examples probably does a better job of explaining: History of Urbanziation and Tower Hamlets.

Annotation timestamps for an <item> can be set in subtags: <dc:date> in RSS 1.0, <pubDate> in RSS 2.0, and <updated> in Atom. Most weblog systems will include publication date in feeds automatically.

The format for <pubDate> is defined here, and basically looks like this example:

  <title>An example RSS 2.0 timestamped item</title>
  <georss:point>26.58 -97.83</georss:point>
  <pubDate>Sat, 07 Sep 2002 00:00:01 +00:00</pubDate>
The format for <dc:date> and <updated> is defined here, and basically looks like this example:
  <title>An example Atom timestamped item</title>
  <link href=""/>
  <georss:point>26.58 -97.83</georss:point>
worldKit adds a time navigation control to the bottom of the map. Moving the slider reveals all points occuring before that time. There are also key controls: "p" to Play, "r" to Rewind, "s" to Stop. The configuration options are.. Note!: worldKit will only handle timezone offsets, specified numerically. Any items without a timestamp are given a timestamp of the current time.
Ending Events
In experimental phase, worldKit can also "end events". Events that have concluded relative to the time slider control will be hidden. To set the end time of an event, we are currently supporting the RSS Event Module. As Calendar and Event formats are in flux, a different format may be preferred later on.

The elements are <ev:startdate> and <ev:enddate>. Declare the namespace with xmlns:ev="". In contrast to the Module Specification, worldKit will support times in either of the formats listed above.

  <title>An example Atom timestamped item</title>
  <link href=""/>
  <georss:point>26.58 -97.83</georss:point>