Users Manual
To install worldKit for use with a TypePad weblog is straightforward, but differs slightly from a standard install due to limitations at each TypePad subscription level. See an example of TypePad and worldKit at this weblog and this map.

Typepad Basic and Typepad Plus

At these subscription levels, there is no direct access to the templates for the RSS feeds. So, geolocation must be added using the Geocoding Without Addditional Tags method. In short, when writing a post you'll include the latitude/longitude directly in the Post Body. For example,

This is an example post. geo:lat=19.08 geo:long=74.73
It must be insured that the entire post, including any geotags, is present in the RSS feeds. From the TypePad app, go to Weblogs > Configure > Publicity & Feeds, and select "Yes, offer a feed of the entire post." under the Feeds section.

Next, you'll need to edit the config.xml to reference the RSS feed, and the background image. Choose either your RSS 1.0 (index.rdf) or Atom (atom.xml) feed, and set <dataurl> to the full path of that feed (e.g. /my_weblog/index.rdf). Set <locfield> to "description" if using RSS 1.0, or "summary" if using Atom. For the image(s), simply set those fields to the image names; it's easiest to install all of worldKit in a single TypePad directory.

To upload worldKit, go to Control Panel > Files, and indiviudally upload the HTML file, config.xml, images, and worldkit.swf to a single directory. Probably a good idea to Create a New Folder to hold all these files. If you later update any of these file with another Upload, you will have to confirm replacing the older file.

Gotcha: For unknown reasons, TypePad will not display config.xml in the File Manager. However, it is still present and accessible from your web browser.

Now your map is ready to go! Any geotagged blog posts will automatically be mapped. You may want to include a link to your map in a TypePad list in the weblog sidebar.

Typepad Pro

With a Pro account, there is access to templates. However, because there is no way to install MoveableType plugins, the MT method is still not possible. It is possible to implement some template processing to parse the Keywords field without MTMeta, and that method may be examined here in the future.

Of course the Basic & Plus method will work just fine too.

Blogger weblogs can use the Geocoding Without Additional Tags method. In short, when writing a post you'll include the latitude/longitude directly in the Post Body. For example,
This is an example post. geo:lat=19.08 geo:long=74.73
Since BlogSpot does not offer the ability to upload files, you will need to publish your weblog to another server with that access. Upload the worldKit install to that server, setting <dataurl> to the location of your Atom feed, and <locfield> to "summary".