Users Manual
Try It
worldKit will work right out of the box. Unpack the files from the download, and place them in a single directory on your webserver. Load the url for this directory in your browser, and you should see the introductory app. Easy huh?

The next three sections of this manual detail the core steps for setting up worldKit: editing the configuration file, finding and using images for base maps, and writing geocoded RSS. Additonally, there is a section on integrating worldKit into weblogging systems, and a section on topics beyond the basics.

It's not necessary to read the entire manual before starting to work with worldKit. Try stuff out as needed. Support is available from here.

Files Overview

The following HTML demonstrates how to include worldKit within a web page.
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="400" id="worldkit">
<param NAME=movie VALUE="worldkit.swf">
<param NAME=quality VALUE="high">
<param NAME=bgcolor VALUE="#000000">

<embed src="worldkit.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" WIDTH="800" HEIGHT="400" NAME="worldkit" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" swLiveConnect="true" PLUGINSPAGE="">
Most folks can just copy this markup into their HTML and be set. Both the <object> and <embed> tags are necessary for cross-browser support. To change the size of the map, the WIDTH and HEIGHT of the map must be set in both tags.

If the location of worldkit.swf is in a different directory from the containing web page, set that location in both the OBJECT tag's "movie" param, and the EMBED tag's "src" attribute. The "id" and "NAME" parameters should also match.

All Documentation
You can download all of this documentation in a single file, from here.